5 Outdoor Beach Decor Ideas and Themes [You’ll love it]

Beach Outdoor Decor Ideas

There is no doubt that most of the people love beach because is it wonderful. Enjoying the beach activity with friends or family, or relaxing. You can have the feel of sand on your feet, the warm and sunny day and the sea breeze that you have been wanted to opt for.

However, Not every one can spend every day at the beach all year long.  But what you can do to have the feel all day long and all year long is to add the beach feeling into your own home. With that, you do not need move many miles and purchase expensive property on the beach front.

Instead, You can add some interesting outdoor beach decors ideas and themes that will transform your current property into amazing beach feels that you always wanted to have.

In this article, We compile and list the top 5 options that you can consider for your great home decoration alternative.

1. Building a Sand Trap

Bulding a Sand Trap

You may think that sandbox is something only for children playground. But that is not correct. This is the simplest way and easy means of attaining the beach feel in your property.

All you need is to have an enclosed space like shallow pool which you can pour the sand. then add some small table and chairs around that. With this, you will have a perfect place to sink your toes while enjoying your delicious drink during the summer time.

With some extra creativity, You can also place a fire pit and surround it with chairs in your sandpit. That makes a great relaxing spot that you can spend time with your friends and family. Overall, Sandbox is a great ideas and area to hang out.

2. Tropical Trees & Palm Trees

Tropical Trees Palm trees

Palm trees is an icon for the beach where you should consider also include it as part of your landscape. You can easily create the same feeling as you are at the beach by placing a couple of tropical tree in your backyard. Don’t use small plants and try to cover the space with them as it does not look nice. Instead, getting bigger tropical plants like exotic plants will make everything looks perfect.

Another great option is the banana trees. Banana trees can be beautiful but they grow like weed. Therefore you need to be aware if you choose to plant banana trees, as it will grow bigger and take over your backyard after 4-5 years.

3. Using Plenty of Blue

Blue is always symbolizes sea and the sky, When you think about blue, is always ocean or the beautiful sky. Therefore, blur colors always make the most of the sight on any beach.

The simplest tips of creating beautiful outdoors beach decors ideas and themes is to use a lot of blue colors for your outdoor element. The best color scheme is to mix with white. It is absolutely a great pair of colors.

The best and popular choices are Persian blue, Sky blue and Turquoise. This way, The entire area like garden, outdoor patio or any similar place will become identical and instantly associate it with the beaches and sea.

4. Decorate With Wicker Furniture

Wicker Furniture

Wicker has been using for centuries and using wicker furniture in your beach home can immediately help you to connected with tropical parts and equatorial landscapes.

Wicker has many advantages :

  1. It is lightweight and impervious to many weather elements.
  2. It is completely natural and will blend in almost any decorating styles.
  3. It provide your outdoor area with the ideas of spending time on the beach.
  4. It is infuse with great beach vibe for beach theme home.

5. Baldachin


Baldachin represents a type of cloth that is spread over a light beam structure. The purpose is to provide shade in a very light and airy manner.

Baldachin is a great decoration option as it can easily transform your patio, outdoor space or balcony into true summer retreat.

As easy as using a couple of pillows and a comfortable large mattress, you will get the  most comfortable area and feel like resting on a cloud all year long.

In Conclusion

We hope that our tips above gives you some outdoor beach decor ideas, themes inspiration and creativity. You can also find a lot of ideas online, or pinterest board related to this. Once you got enough ideas, We can make sure that you are able to create a place that packed with precious beach feel that you always want in your beach home,